CLI Reference

Run a dramatiq worker

Flask-Dramatiq extension provides a flask command to configure and execute Dramatiq worker processes from Flask CLI. The worker command has the same options as Dramatiq worker command.

$ flask worker --help
Usage: flask worker [OPTIONS] [BROKER_NAME]

Run dramatiq workers.

Setup Dramatiq with broker and task modules from Flask app.

    # Run dramatiq with 1 thread per process.
    $ flask worker --threads 1

    # Listen only to the "foo" and "bar" queues.
    $ flask worker -Q foo,bar

    # Consuming from a specific broker
    $ flask worker mybroker

-v, --verbose              turn on verbose log output  [x>=0]
-p, --processes PROCESSES  the number of worker processes to run  [default:
-t, --threads THREADS      the number of worker treads per processes
                           [default: 8]
-Q, --queues QUEUES        listen to a subset of queues, comma separated
--help                     Show this message and exit.

Run periodiq scheduler

The periodiq scheduler is also available as a flask command named periodiq.

$ flask periodiq --help
Usage: flask periodiq [OPTIONS] [BROKER_NAME]

Run periodiq scheduler.

Setup Dramatiq with broker and task modules from Flask app.

-v, --verbose  turn on verbose log output  [x>=0]
--help         Show this message and exit.